ConnectCPA's 4th Annual Firm Retreat - White Oaks Resort


It has been over a year since our last company/team retreat.  We had to delay our retreat this year because we had five accounting and tax associates writing the grueling CFE in September.  Good luck to them and everyone else waiting on results!

For our annual retreat this year, things came full circle. 

In 2007, our co-founders, Mike and Lior, attended the White Oaks Resort as part of their initial training at PwC.  It’s hard to believe that 12 years later they’d be hosting their own event with a team of 26 at the very same place!  It was surreal and humbling.


Because it’s fun.  Because we spend a lot of time with each other every day and we want to get to know each other in a non-working environment.  And because we are a remote company. 

As a distributed team, we only get to see each other on video chat and at an occasional local meetup. Seeing everyone in person is definitely a treat.  Culture is important to us and seeing everyone in person helps weave that common thread across the team.  


Although the retreat was only two nights, we accomplished a lot.  We visited a winery and got to sample some wine and snacks. We set up shop for the night at a bowling venue and had a great time nailing down strikes.  And last but not least, we spent time breaking down some key company processes of ours and talking about how they can be improved.

There was also free time to visit Niagara Falls and the outlet mall and to just hang out.  A few of us even got around to visiting a client in the area to catch up and have a drink.

Below are some pictures from our 2019 retreat at the White Oaks Conference Resort.